We extend a warm welcome to parents with pre-school children. We offer two drop in sessions; Tots@2, which is run in conjunction with church volunteers, and our new sessions, Roots and Shoots. Roots and Shoots runs on alternate Wednesday mornings in our mobile classroom (10-11:30). This is an informal drop in session which offers a chance for children to play together, create, share stories and songs and for carers to get to know others and share parenting journeys. There is no need to book but if you would like to know more, please contact our school office on 01380 850391. We look forward to meeting new parents and children.
Breaking news...............
......... We now have 4-year-olds enroled to start in our early years unit after Easter.
We are hoping to have a response to our application to change our age range to offer younger children places in our pre-school provision soon. Call for more details or check back here to keep up to date with our developments.