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School policies cover every aspect of school life. 

Below are some of our most important other policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed here, please ask the school office.

EQUA Mead has adopted Wiltshire Council HR policies across the trust.

Please note that our policies should all be read and interpreted with our Christian vision and values in mind.   As we update our school specific policies, we will be making the Christian ethos of the school more overt. 

Since joining EQUA Mead Learning Trust, the St Nicholas C of E Primary School Local Governing Body have formally adopted a range of policies, all of which can be accessed here EQUA Mead Learning Trust 

The EQUA Mead Learning Trust policies that have been adopted are: 

Allergens & Anaphylaxis

Attendance and Absence

Charging and Remissions


Data Protection

Early Career Teacher Induction, 

Equality, diversity and inclusion

First aid

Health and safety

Looked After Children (LAC)

Online safety

Privacy notice for job applicants

Pupils with additional needs attendance

Safeguarding and child protection 


Staff Behaviour

Supporting children and young people with medical conditions (including medication)

Suspensions and exclusions
