Support for Children with SEND
We are committed to meeting the unique educational needs of every child at St Nicholas, through high quality adaptive classroom teaching, supported by timely, precisely targeted individual and small group interventions (both academic, physical and emotional/social). This applies equally to children with disabilities and/or special education needs as to the more able.
We work hard to ensure that every child can participate fully in the full range of school activities including after-school clubs, trips and educational visits, sports events and cross-curricular days.
Our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Co-ordinator) is Mrs Ann Law. She works 1 day a week and is always happy to meet with parents to discuss any concerns or queries, although class teachers are usually the best person to contact in the first instance as they see your child daily.
Mrs Law has completed the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination, a Masters in Inclusive Education and is a very experienced teacher. She is also a Leading Inclusion Practitioner for Wiltshire.
Our pupils are supported by our teachers, our teaching assistants (TAs) and our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). Our team of teaching assistants work with class teachers and Mrs Law to ensure all pupils are supported, stretched and challenged. Our ELSA works with individuals or small groups of pupils to help them develop the emotional literacy skills to cope with challenges they are facing (big or small).
Details of how we identify and support children with special educational needs or disabilities can be found in our SEND Information Report.
Further information on responsibilities and monitoring can be found in our SEND policy which is adopted from EQUA Mead Learning Trust EQUA Mead Learning Trust SEND policy.
Mrs Law can be contacted via the school office or email:
County policies and provision can be found on Wiltshire’s Local Offer.