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Welcome to St Nicholas VC Primary School

“ Love your neighbour as yourself. “ (Matthew 22:37–39)

St. Nicholas Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment.

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Latest News

In addition to our Newsletter section, here you will find selected news from St. Nich's.

  • Seesaw

    Sat 24 Sep 2016

    It is really nice to see that the children are using Seesaw both at school and at home.

    Many of you parents also seem to have logged on and caught up with what your child/ren are doing too.

    If you would like any more advice on how to use Seesaw, or have lost your QR codes, please do feel free to pop in and ask your teacher.

  • Thorn Cooking

    Sat 24 Sep 2016
    Please note that due to Harvest celebrations on Friday 30th, Thorn will not be cooking. We will skip on to the following week's recipe and will cook Mini Quiches on 7th October.
  • New Responsibilites

    Fri 16 Sep 2016 Emma

    Year six jobs and school council:

    School ambassadors: Daisy Tayler and Dylan Cottee

    I.C.T and Hall Monior: Emma Heal

    Huff, n, Puff: Lewis Burke and Harvey Andrews

    Sport Leaders: Hollie Doman, Isabella Bayley and Laura Begent

    Class captains: Alice Lawrence and Ben Van Alstead

    House captains: Emma.H, Alice.L, Lewis.B and Dylan.C

    School Council: Daisy.T, Dylan.C, Lewis.B, Alice.L, Jess C, Lukas B, Ben C and Alfie.

  • Superhero theme

    Fri 16 Sep 2016 Emma

    Our Superhero theme this term.

    This term we are focusing on super heroes and using it in almost every subject possible as well as focusing on it in assembly in the mornings with Mrs MacMeekin. Although we have been looking at super heroes we are also looking at some heroes like Olympians and people from the bible such as Moses. We have also been looking at our own super powers and what we could use them for as well as why we would have them.


    A new update on the school will be every Friday on the school website.  It will be what we did that week.

    Thanks for reading!!! 

  • Superheroes

    Fri 16 Sep 2016 Emma

    Monday the 5th of September:

    On the first day back to school we had a jam packed fun day for all of the students. The whole school had to go around the school grounds in their house teams to complete different challenges to get letters for a code. Once they had that code they used it to unlock a box that would disable all of the evil monsters destroying the world! Inside the box were delicious haribo sweets which the kids were very excited about!!


    The challenges were things such as spider-man’s spiders web, orienteering around the fields, super woman’s spy finger printing and colour combinations. The kids had so much fun throughout the day and they were very tired at the end of it.
